Welcome back! You are probably wondering why headbugz has been so quiet for over a month and more. We are now emerging from the self-elected seclusion in the forest. What have we been up to? Well, as usual, we have been preparing for the second Waldeck-Freakquenz-Festival at Burg Waldeck, arriving one week before the date and making the area the most awesome music forest on earth!

This year, we not only had ten amazing bands playing, defying all genre bounds as usual, but various other things you could explore.

Beamer video shows were made by Haegi Freakquenzy. Here are two examples, he made one for my band, Kampfstern, and one for the amazing Hermelin, who rocked hard.

We projected videos to both sides of the stage.

David and Domi built a multichannel yurt (sounds way cooler in German “Mehrkanalzelt” or “Sechskanal-Jurte”), a tent with a surround set-up where you could chill and listen to audio plays or sound installments. David has this project where he sonifies human chromosomes so you can actually listen to human DNA … Trip guaranteed!

The Tetris-Contest was a success! We made prizes for the first to third places, hand-crafted tetris-stones. The lucky winners where overwhelmed with joy. And it was a close call! Does anyone have any pistures of the occasion?

You could take tours to see the old castle, Märchenonkel Fram offered some information and history of the place.

Light Graffiti as usual, you could paint pictures in the night sky with torches, lamps, cell phones, you name it.

The magic forest “Zauberwald” was a small dubstep and drum n bass disco in a remote glade. Friends from Hamburg had prepared many black light art pieces like mushrooms and geometric forms just hanging in the dark forest and glowing with psychedelic colors. We actually got a disco ball up a tree and it just hung in the forest maybe ten meters up. Magical!

And of course you could just space out stargazing anytime.

Thank you all for coming, making music, helping, building things – we had a great time! If you have taken pictures, like Paul and Wing did (thanks again!) please upload them somewhere, there are tons of locations and tricksy neat things I have no pictures of. Words and pictures can’t really convey what it felt like to be there, so I guess you are just going to have to find out next year.

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